Snacks & Lunch
Because of our continued roster, our students enjoy snack and lunch in school. They eat together with their class mates in their classroom. The snack is eaten just before the first break between 9.45 – 10am; lunch is from 11.45am for our younger students, and from 12.15pm for our older students, after which the students go outside to play.
We encourage students to come to school with a healthy snack and lunch. This could be a piece of fruit, or another healthy alternative which your child enjoys. For lunch, many children bring sandwiches or cooked food. Please note though that we cannot warm food in school. There is plenty of clean drinking water in school for the students to drink. They may also carry a small packet of juice or milk to school.
Snack and lunch breaks should be relaxing. The teacher often uses this time to read the children a story whilst they eat.